
New Beginnings

After taking a long break from the blog, and then a summer off to recover from a long year, I'm ready to get started again!  Big decisions have been made over the last six months and while I watch my coworkers head back to work next week, I'll be at home with Little Hob and spending time with him.  He is now 16 months old and has more energy than I'd ever imagined someone his size would have!  Please re-add me to your blog roll and watch for updates in the upcoming weeks.

Mama Hob


  1. Replies
    1. Just taking a few years off to focus on our family. Hope to return to it someday!

  2. Oh Emily! I've heard of several teachers doing exactly what you're doing.

    Of course, then there's me...I never had a teaching job in the first place and now we live in a completely different state (which is insane to try to get in this state). So, I'm doing the Mama thing, too.

    It's all good :)

    1. It was a tough decision but...that's all for another blog post. :) Thanks for your comment! Hope things are going well in CA!
