
Family Fun

Our family will be having a lot of firsts coming up with Little Hob and I can't wait to experience them all!  Yesterday was our first trip to the pool with Little Hob.  We had the whole pool to ourselves and the whole experience could not have gone better.  Papa Hob and I are hoping to take Little Hob back today to do a little more splashing around!

Feeling the water on his feet for the first time.

Not quite sure what to think yet.

"This is GREAT!"

In the pool with Papa Hob.

Baby toes :)

Little Hob was "talking" here and telling Papa Hob all about the pool!


  1. Hooooooray! We didn't put Little Man in a pool until he was almost 7 months (while we were on vacation) and he seems to like it. Luckily, we have one of those $250 above ground pools from Wal*Mart in the back yard...and he still seems to like it. It's making bath time more interesting, too, because he thinks the bath is the same as the pool and he can play...and then Mama gets soap in his eyes. Oh well.

  2. @Laura-It did go well...you need to bring Baby K over this week so we can go together!

    @Renee Anne-It's funny how they go from hating the water to loving it in a matter of weeks. You are lucky to have your own pool in your backyard so you can get out there any time of the day with Little Man!

  3. i love these pics!!! he is too cute.
